Kelli Richardson
Pastor & Senior Director, Xtreme Kidz Children’s Church
Office: (301) 364-3868
Pastor Kelli Richardson, a graduate of Tuskegee University, was employed by DuPont as a Research Associate. She mentored girls in a program for the underserved and decided to devote herself fully to improving the lives of children by transitioning to education. After 10+ years of service in DC Public Schools, Kelli became the Director of Xtreme Kidz on Zion’s Landover campus and was promoted to Global Director for the ministry shortly thereafter. She believes the lives of all children can be enriched with resourceful, compassionate leaders that understand the critical role of families. This philosophy along with her passion for children to develop their own authentic faith, fuels her efforts in the ministry. Kelli, a native of Louisiana, is married to her college sweetheart, Kendrick and is the proud parent of two children, Savannah and Elias.