Xtreme Kidz Children’s Church

Xtreme Kidz - Parent’s Guide to In-Person Worship for Children

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In-Person Sunday Worship Experience Virtual Sunday Worship Experience

Resources at Home

Xtreme Kidz Studios

T.R.I.B.E. 139

Our Toddler & Preschool eXperience is for ages 18 months to 4 years old. A typical schedule includes time spent in Large Group and Small Group. In Large Group, kids develop relationships with each other, hear a Bible story and worship through singing. In Small Group, kids take part in activities to engage the senses and connect with their leader and other kids..

Our Elementary eXperience is for Xtremer's in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. Children experience Large Group where they are lead by our hosts and large group teachers. They are taught Biblical principals, engage in praise & worship and interact with peers. In Small Group, kids connect with their leader and a group of peers, they apply what they learned in Large Group, and they participate in a variety of activities to reinforce the teaching.

Our Preteen eXperience is for Xtremer's in 4th - 6th Grade. Children experience Large Group where they are lead by our hosts and large group teachers. They are taught Biblical principals, engage in praise & worship and interact with peers. In Small Group, kids connect with their leader and a group of peers, they apply what they learned in Large Group, and they participate in a variety of activities to reinforce the teaching.

Mission: Xtreme Kidz aims to partner with parents to grow emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy kids.

Xtreme Kidz Children’s Church is a high-energy experience that engages preschool and elementary-age children in a fun-filled, truth-driven community that intentionally helps them experience God. Our hope is that each of them will make a decision to trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

By the time children leave Xtreme Kidz, they will be Equipped with our four God statements:

  1. God Created Me - He is the creator and He in charge.
  2. God Wants to be My Friend - I can have a personal relationship with Him.
  3. God Loves Me - God loves me with a never-ending Love.
  4. God Wants Me to Grow - He wants me to build a stronger relationship with Him.


How old must my child be to attend Xtreme Children’s Church?

The starting age for Xtreme Kidz varies by campus. Please visit the individual campus for campus-specific information.

How does Xtreme Kidz keep my child safe while attending an experience?

The safety of all children is of the utmost importance. All Xtreme personnel are required to go through a state and federal background check process, prior to serving with our ministry. In addition, parents are required to check kids in and out of all Xtreme Kidz experiences. During check-out, Xtreme leaders will ask to see your parent number/tag before releasing your child to you. If you lose your tag, you will need to return to check-in, present a valid ID and obtain a duplicate security tag.

How do I register my child for an Xtreme Kidz service?

All first-time visitors are required to complete a Registration Form. This helps to expedite the weekly check-in experience. You can register ahead of time quickly by clicking here.

Can my child participate from home?

Xtreme Kidz Studios offers video content for kids via YouTube, Instagram, and the Zion App (Connect > Xtreme Kidz Studios). You can also find additional resources at zionchurch.org/xtremekidz

How can I stay connected?

Be sure to follow Xtreme Kidz on our various social media platforms to stay up to date with what's happening in the ministry. Follow us on Facebook and on Instagram at . You can also visit the individual campus to contact the campus director directly.

I’m interested in volunteering with Xtreme Kidz, how can I find out more?

Due to the nature of working directly with kids, there are four phases to become and serve as an Xtreme Kidz Team Member: 1) Orientation, 2) Evaluation, 3) New Member and 4) Growth. If you’d like to find out more about serving at an individual campus, please visit the campus’ link.

Our Team

Kelli Richardson

Pastor & Senior Director, Xtreme Kidz Children’s Church

office: (301) 364-3868

    Xtreme Kidz Studios
    (Sermons On-Demand)

    Xtreme Studios exists to educate, entertain, and evangelize the love of Christ to children and their families globally, using innovative storytelling, strategies, and technology.

    Attitude of Gratitude Presentation

    Zion's Xtreme Kidz showing their Attitude of Gratitude, by sharing what they are thankful and grateful for!!

      Let's Keep In Touch!

      Find Xtreme Kidz on Instagram and YouTube for more great videos, announcements, and content. 

      Search for the Village Group Chat Podcast on iTunesSoundCloudSpotify, and the Zion Church app. New episodes come out every Monday!  

      For even more great resources and information for parents, download the Parent Cue App in the App Store or on Google Play.